Laura Lynx Murphy, one of this month's featured artists at Plus Gallery is exhibiting her most recent works in a show entitled
Unnatural. Murphy has displayed an array of semi- sculptural pieces at Plus, but the gallery has not had an in-depth presentation of her more “drawing” based multi media works. Having a chance to look through these numerous pieces, one can see these creations can stand within their own right. More conceptual freedom is utilized as the works content matter switches from Dada inspired newspaper collages to comical illustrative narratives. Seemingly material driven, the miniature masterpieces offer a range of surface textures, sizes, and unique techniques. The pieces vary from the dimensions dervived from objects such as a ruler, coaster, to a paper back book cover. Unlike Murphy’s other works displayed at Plus Gallery, these works have the ability to act as individuals or components to a larger whole.
Drawing number
thirty- five is a vibrant piece that immediately grabs the eye with its bold graphic approach with graffiti motifs. The dominant luscious pink resin is accented with a richly saturated gold flat spray paint. The fanatical color choices create an animated relationship, which is heightened by the two rendering approaches. The hard-edged graphic‘ M’ under resin appears to be commercially produced while the spray-painted yellow complements it with a flat surface with a loose approach.

The Dada like paper collage drawing number
seventy-three is an intriguing piece with an organic drawing juxtaposed on geometric patterning. The waiting room pink biomorphic shape is sharply contrasted by a background of gray and dingy newspaper clippings. The ink drips applied to the pink area operate to echo the smudged paper backdrop. This attribute then creates a bridge between the divergent imagery to make a cohesive composition.

Next on the list is drawing t
hirty- four, an unusual work that incorporates a child’s flash card used for learning numbers. This dynamic work can accredit its visual interest to how the piece has been divided. Broken up into three sections, all of numbers play of each other as each segment is shown being divisible by three. Arrows, lines both drawn and cut keep, and repeating numbers keep the viewer’s eye moving.

The following miniature entitled number
fifty- nine is notable for its unique surface and seductive reds. A heart appropriately drawn on a former Home Medical Book, The New Illustrated Edition, is both amusing and fantastically grotesque. The reflective resin surface almost entirely hides the object original origin, which makes it a piece of discovery for the audience. Saturated reds deepen as the overlaid glossy finish further pushes them.

Work number
seventy- seven continues with the “amoebic” like shapes that frequently arise within this drawing series. The format varies from the rest with this piece due to its elongated and horizontal orientation. The vivacious pink hues appear once again in the organic shapes this time overlaid on a subdued dusty blue. Wood grain peeps through the thin layers of blue paint and sets off the meandering line work of the pink images. The contrasting loose contours superimposed on the unified grain patterning generate a distinctive structure.

thirty- five employs a childlike approach both in technique and in subject matter. Happy little birds perch on fluffy cloud like leaves constructed out of collaged magazine clippings. The stylized trees and birds pop with vivid greens, reds, and blue on a neutralized khaki background. A thick white outline encompasses the subject matter adds to the childish look of this piece. Overall, a warm sensibility is created through the economized method utilized in the work.

Murphy has a profound understanding in creating kinetic relationships within her works as drawing
fifty- six beautifully illustrates. Her thematic pink biomorphic shapes emerge once again on a synthetic geometric design. The simplified red and white patterning crescendos the unstructured candied pink blob. The clashing configuration of this work creates a fascinating format that pulls in its audience.

A close link between drawing number
seventy- eight and Murphy’s most recent work
Event Horizon from Unnatural can be easily seen. Slender collage strips from maps, graphs, found mail and newspaper clippings are both motifs used in this piece as well as in one of the larger components of Event Horizon. A cloud like image is overlaid on the horizontally oriented strips creating an unusual juxtaposition. This is one of the numerous works that employs the atypical “ruler like” dimensions.

Another economized childlike rendered work is drawing number
seventy- four. This odd octopus image is rendered on an old found file folder. The tattered paper comically conflicts with the upbeat illustrative subject matter, generating a multi- dimensional composition. In congruence with this, the color palette draws on peculiar complementary hues of squalid green and fluorescent pink. The piece invokes simultaneously endearing and disturbing qualities.

Drawing number
eighty- one applies both organic and synthetic aesthetics with pipes place on top of a prairie- like background. Sienna colored inkblots integrates the webbed piping with the muted tertiary backdrop. The meandering line work of the pipes perpetuates the viewer’s eye through the composition. This intriguing miniature most definitely adds diversity to this body of work.

These are just a select few of the exciting drawing series that Murphy has produced. These price accessible pieces range from eighty five to twenty five dollars and are small gems to any collection. To see more of these fantastic works, visit Plus Gallery Wednesday through Saturday 11pm to 6pm or by appointment.