By Brittany Schall

Charles DiJulio has fostered an extensive career that has not only included exhibiting works for over four decades, but also encompasses being a key member in several art organizations. The two most prominent associations have been Criss Cross and the avant- garde artist commune
DiJulio’s background falls nothing short of intriguing, however most notable point of personal interest is his involvement with the creative commune
The purpose of this isolated artisan community was to offer a creative sanctuary for individuals free from the constraints of structured society. Charles remained here for a short stint of a few months before moving on. His presence there was non- politically based and was geared more towards absorbing the ingenious creativity that surrounded him and the overall experience of communal living. After he left,
Coinciding with this time frame, DiJulio was also an active member in the major abstractionist group Criss Cross. This artist collective’s platform was centered on the idea of creating synergy within works through systematic abstract patterning that was non- decorative. This definition precisely fit the format of DiJulio’s work and thought process, hence his heavy involvement from 1974 to 1981.
His works during the era of Criss Cross where specifically grounded in simple interwoven structures that were, in a sense, pure patterning. The compositional layout of these pieces can be somewhat ridged with DiJulio’s precision line work that visually alludes to his immense craftsmanship. However, this aspect is remedied and resolved by incorporating dramatic color shifts that explore the palettes of color field artists. The end result of using both these tactics is a massive work composed of bold ribbons of color which gracefully weave themselves across the canvas. Mesmerizing complementary colors compel any viewer to trace their path through the composition in a near hypnotic state. The vibrant hues reverberate against one another and cause a seemingly three dimensional twist to the flat surface. One motif that the artist has noted as a remerging characteristic within his pieces is the wave like movement. To explain this, DiJulio beautifully constructed a metaphor linking the similarities to his paintings and the structure of music. He notes that same keys are used again and again in music to create a melody; however instantaneous fluidity can emerge within the patterned set. Though restraints do exist within the patterns, they are far from total restriction. In fact, finding a way to work freely within the structure, be it either keys or paint, is were the soul of the creative endeavor lies.
His well known large and untitled works from the sixties and mid- seventies were formulated, in some ways, in response to the prevalent abstract expressionism and action painting that was going on at this time. DiJulio’s earlier works were looser, and most were executed in a modest size on raw canvas. The first few pieces that DiJulio did after these were an investigation on how space can be systematically divided; the dominating motif was a wave like shape of course. To him, these works were more intimate, they communicated softly to the viewer with a deeper sensibility. The human hand was evident with organic strokes and the lax structure. Patterning was the focal point, but with these, the idea of it was far more important than precisely executing it. Following these, he then moved from a meek size onto an impressive scale of around 86 x 70 inches. DiJulio also shifted from the somewhat gestural approach to rendering techniques that exercised intense accuracy. To do this, the rough structure was laid out first usually in the form of preliminary drawings and small sketches. Following this, the ideas are transferred onto the canvas and are continually modified during the process in response to color fluxes, dimensional entanglements and overall aesthetics. This method could easily explain some of the entirely unique colors that he achieves in his works. A ribbon of color could be shifted a number of times from anything from black, to pink, to turquoise, to pink again. Layering these hues creates an unusual color saturation that could never be accomplished by simply mixing paint. When it comes to the inspiration for his work, DiJulio draws upon design elements from various objects such as fabrics from shirts or table clothes.
Presently, DiJulio’s works have returned to a smaller scale and he uses a more organic approach, much like the pieces he did in
There is pattern, but the loose approach emphasizes that there is more to the work than just this. Color takes on new meaning in these pieces as it acts with more independence. Previously, its main role appeared as an assistant in articulating the pattern, it gave dimension and gave life to a repeating structure. Now, pigment is no longer just an intermediate, it has its own commanding presence based of color sensibility. It has the ability to interact with composition, not just facilitate it. With this, DiJulio’s current works now equally focus on all of the elements of composition, pattern, color, and line quality.
Charles DiJulio continues to exhibit regularly with his last show being at N.Y.C.’s 128 Gallery this past December. He has cultivated an uninterrupted and an extensive career that has a broad scope ranging outside of exhibitions and into the art world itself. DiJulio has been a key member in the non- decorative abstract art movement and has impacted classical perceptions of art through his innovative tactics. He has a true understanding of his work, which enables him to continue to grow and explore new ground. Few artists have the luxury of facilitating a lengthy career, even fewer foster one that is continually exciting from one passage from the next. Charles DiJulio can be noted within both realms, the only thing that may be more impressive than this are the works themselves.
What a delight it is to discover this site featuring the art of Charles DiJulio.
I bought a small painting from DiJulio back in the late 1970's and I treasure it still.
Here's wishing you the best of luck, Charlie.
Roberta Bell
- art student at the Univ. of Kansas 1960-61, 63-64.
Co-owner of The Third Eye, Inc. posters from 1967 - 1973 (first-wave casualty of the OPEC recession).
Boulder, 1975-80.
I have a potrait of a female that my dad purchased in Italy back in the early 1970's, it's signed DiJulio and I dont know if it's a Charles DiJulio or a relation. Would you perhaps have any info about that, please? Thanks -Dean Ottoman
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